Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Price of Binge Drinking

This was my end of year animation project

It was THE most challenging project I ever had to tackle, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and am hoping to do more motion graphics in the future.
Poster for the exhibition


This was what my room looked like while working on this project. Although I am happy to have gotten rid of them all and re-plastered my walls with more pleasant posters once it was all over.


  1. you draw the bestest funny faces!

  2. I love it so much I had to share it! Really great work. Makes you think before you drink.

  3. your style is so unique and adorable

  4. Nicely done! Really enjoyed the animation, particularly the game style score keeping. Love your illustration style.

  5. Than animation turned out amazing! I love the expressions and body language on your character. Very much enjoyed watching it :)
