Sunday, October 02, 2011

Three Wise Monkeys

I have been feeling a bit burned out from work, so I decided to work on a personal project.
We have recently been watching Bill Bailey's documentary on baboons. So I thought I'd have a go at drawing those furry creatures - Baboons that is. Not Bill Bailey.
Baboons always seem so emotional, so I thought I'd incorporate their nature into doing "Three Wise Monkeys"

Hear No Evil - They are loud, so when they scream, I imagine they can't hear shit.
See No Evil - They tend to flash their buttoms to initiate friendship
Speak No Evil - They are only quiet when they have their mouths packed with anything edible.

Here's a rough sketch I did to figure out what I wanted it to look like.

And then finalised it in pen before imitating the woodcut look in Photoshop.
I wish I could've done the real printmaking but alas, I do not have all the equipment with me.

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